Monday, 10 March 2014


MOST  of us will have to stay back to reveal our maths paper.
For those who cannot make it,
make sure you go on Wednesday, after the morning(a.m.) prize giving ceremony

On 13/3,
SOME of us are expected to stay back from 2.30pm for the CWSAP briefing at Learning Oasis 1.
We may need to stay back until 6 because of packing the goodies.
you can also go there too :D

As for the outing Sammi was mentioning,
Can those who are able to go comment?

IF you're not sure or you are waiting for a reply from your parents,
PLEASE also comment.

:D Thank you~

1 comment:

  1. but you yi theres third lang on thursday so how? oh wait i remember u redraw AIEK ._. if i skip it can u help me tell the teacher that I'm still helping but i just cannot go the briefing?
